Nov 26, 2019
Welcome to the second episode of The Castle Vault! In this week's journey exploring the famed Disney Vault through the Disney Plus streaming service, we go back and watch the classic animated film, Pinocchio!
Want to contact us?
Jason: @JasonInquires (Twitter and
Josh: @TheNoyse (Twitter and Instagram)
Nov 21, 2019
Welcome to the very first official episode of The Castle Vault! In our first journey exploring the famed Disney Vault through the Disney Plus streaming service, we go back and watch the very first animated film that started it all - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!
("Dopey Fall" as discussed on the show:
Nov 11, 2019
A weekly exploration of the Disney Vault and everything else hidden within Disney Plus, focussing on rewatches and discussions of every Disney Animation Studios featured film ... and so much more!!
Twitter: @TheCastleVault